AceCAST stands for Accelerated Forecast. The WRF (Weather, Research and Forecast) model is the most widely used regional weather forecast model in the world. The model was developed by, and is now maintained by, the National Center for Atmospheric Research, NCAR, in Boulder, CO. The model is utilized by over 50,000 users in 162 countries.
Through the license of proprietary software, WeatherBELL is now able to offer modeling that accelerates the time to process a WRF simulations by utilizing NVIDIA GPUs (graphic processing units) instead of the traditional WRF model running on CPUs (Central Processing Units). This dramatically accelerates the compute time required to run the model by factors as high as 14X.
The accelerations attained by AceCAST are unparalleled in the industry. The benefits of the accelerated WRF software include a faster time to solution or faster delivery of forecast data to the user, higher resolution, less cost and higher data volumes per solution.
Performance Benchmarking on AWS

For Government, Research, Commercial and Hobbyist Use
Who are potential users of AceCAST?
- Sovereign governments
- Academic researchers
- Broadcast media
- Emergency managers
- Commodities traders
- Utilities/Energy companies
- Weather hobbyists
- Other existing users of CPU-based WRF modeling
Purchase Options Available
Software License
If you are experienced using traditional WRF modeling, you can license AceCAST to use on your GPU machines on premises.
Value Added Resale
Allow WeatherBELL to run the modeling according to your specifications. Receive output as imagery, GRIB files, or point data.
WRF on Demand Coming Soon!
Use a web-based GUI to define the specifications of your modeling and receive output from the model.
AceCAST Inquiry
Contact us below to learn more about our AceCAST service